Special Note for Fview for Windows NT ===================================== This is a Windows NT version of FView. It is compiled as a native 32-bit NT application. At the same time it is source-compatible with release 1.2e for Windows 3.1 and as such bears the same release number. This number indicates functional compatibility with the 16-bit version and will be maintained in any future versions of both programs for as long as they remain compatible. There are some known problems as of this release: - Information in Help is inaccurate: . WINFILE.INI is not used in NT, see below for installation info. . Registry registration of FView as a server is inaccurate. . NT-specific How To tips are not included - When FView is registered using "REGEDIT FVIEW.REG" command, double click on the document associated with FView starts it correctly the first time but then displays message "Not enough memory to start the specified application..." and does or does not bring up FView. They will be corrected in a free maintenance upgrade. The program and the File Manager extension DLL are fully functional. Testing has been completed succesfuly but since this is the first version built with the release versions of NT and VC (previous builds were based on beta software) there may be some snags here and there. Please report them promptly so we can correct them. Contact information is in the HELP file. To register FViewDLL as a File Manager Extension: - Start the Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE) - Select Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Select View / Find Key, type in "File Manager" (no quotes), press Enter. Alternatively you can scroll down to key: \Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\File Manager - Scroll down to AddOns subkey. Normally the key is added by setup during install and it contains one entry: Mail File Manager Extension : REG_SZ : SendFl32.dll - Select Edit / Add Value, fill in: Value Name: File View Data Type: REG_SZ - Press Enter, fill in the next box: String: FViewDLL.dll NOTE: If the directory where FViewDLL.dll is stored is not in the path, you need to enter the full path here. - Press Enter. The new value is added and is displayed as: File View : REG_SZ : FViewDLL.dll Next time you start File Manager, it will add FView to its menu bar. REGISTRATION REQUIRED ===================== This is an application separate from FView for Windows 3.1. A separate license is required to use this program. Users who registered FView for Windows 3.1 prior to the official commercial release of Windows NT have been granted a Windows NT version license for every 16 bit 3.1 license they paid for. Since the official release date was somewhat muddied by MS, we decided to treat the first day of Comdex Fall'93, November 15, 1993, as the last day of the promotion. All licenses issued after that date do NOT include NT version. Also no site licenses include the NT version unless specifically named in the license. The license fee is, as of January 1994, US $9.95 per license. Please read the online help for disclaimers and restrictions.